Sunday, 27 November 2016

Auralie Dancing at Assembly

On Friday Auralie performed a tap routine with two other girls at School Assembly.  She was awesome

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Garden Maintenance

At lunch today we watered the orchard and our plants using our new watering cans that Prolife Foods gave us. Eventually we will have an irrigation system. We tidied up and trimmed the peas and broad beans. These went into our new compost bins. Mrs Cammell and Mrs Venville helped us.

Tri Blogging with our buddy class Room 3

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Want to audition for What Now on TVNZ2.? Read this

From Kate Morgan - a researcher for children’s television show, What Now on TVNZ2. 

What Now are currently on the hunt for outgoing and passionate Kid Presenters for 2017 in the Auckland area. I was wondering if there might be anyone between the ages of 6-12 years that a teacher or principal at your school might be able to suggest who is passionate about:

·         Coding
·         Magic
·         Crafts
·         Music
·         Science
·         Film making
·         Exercise
·         Building things
·         Baking

We would love if you could please share this flier with those children who might be interested in submitting an audition tape via YouTube (introducing themselves, telling and showing us about what they are passionate about in no longer than one minute) by next Monday 28th November!


Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Links to: 'Green Fingers Get Busy at Sunnyhills' - article in Howick and Pakuranga Times and Mother Earth Website

Leora Isaac, 9, and Bodhi Chilcott, 8, are excited about planting in one of Sunnyhills School's new vegetable gardens.

Link to the Article in The Howick and Pakuranga Times

Link to Mother Earth Website

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Sunday, 13 November 2016

Planting the New Planter boxes

Today people from Mother Earth visited our school to see the new planter boxes that they had payed for.  Our fabulous parents had put them in place at the working bee on Sunday. We planted the plants that Mother Earth gave us and they took photos for their website. There was also a photographer from the newspaper.  It was very exciting

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Lockbox challenge

Yesterday we problem solved to unlock this box.

These are some of the clues we were given.  Each clue helped us work out the combination to unlock one of the 4 locks.The activity helps to teach us teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking and troubleshooting.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

How Long Does Rubbish Take To Decompose?

Today we spent time with our buddy class to work out how long various pieces of rubbish take  to decompose.  We were amazed how long many things took. Some never break down! Styrofoam, plastic and glass bottles are estimated to take 1 million years or never. Even aluminum cans take 200 to 500 years. Scary!

We Now Have An Orchard!

The senior members of the Enviro Group planted our fruit trees at lunch time today.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Creating our Outfits for Trash To Fashion Parade

Looked like  bomb had exploded in R15 today. Lots of Green Hat thinking as the students created their outfits for the Trash To Fashion Parade on Wednesday. Lovely to see them cooperating, sharing and helping each other.  Thank you to all the wonderful parents who helped.  Couldn't have done it without you.